2025 CUSD Clovis Community Sports & Recreation Programs
KICKERS SOCCER - Boys & Girls 3 to 6 years old
Session 1: February 1st -March 1st
Session 2: March 15th – April 12th
Session 3: May 3rd – May 31st
Session 4: June 7th – June 28th
Session 5: July 12th – Aug 9th
Session 6: Sept 6th – October 4th
Session 7: Oct 18th – November 15th
T-BALL - Boys & Girls 3 to 6 years old
Session 1: March 3rd – April 9th
Session 2: April 28th – June 9th
SOFTBALL - 6 to 12 years old
Session 1: March 10th – April 10th
Session 2: April 28th – June 2nd
Session 3: June 23rd – July 31st
RUGBY - Boys & Girls
FLAG FOOTBALL - Boys & Girls 5 to 9 years old
Session 1: February 24th – April 2nd
Sign-ups will open the month before the program begins.
If you have any questions, please call us at (559) 327-9225
Schedule is subject to change.